Editorial team

Browser-based Malware: Evolution and Prevention

Browser-based Malware: Evolution and Prevention Botconf 2016 Wednesday | 14:35 – 15:05 Andrey Kovalev 🗣 | Evgeny Sidorov 🗣 Nowadays web technologies allow users to make a lot of their work online. Cloud services, social networks, online games etc. are gaining more and more popularity and are replaicing desktop applications and offline stuff. Web-browsers also offer special

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Language Agnostic Botnet Detection Based on ESOM and DNS

Language Agnostic Botnet Detection Based on ESOM and DNS Botconf 2016 Wednesday | 15:10 – 15:30 Christian Dietz 🗣 | Rocco Mandrysch 🗣 | Urs Anliker | Gabi Dreo Botnets enable various cyber-criminal activities, like DDoS, banking fraud, data theft and extortion. Current botnet detection approaches face many challenges, for example, peer-to-peer infrastructures and domain fast-flux or encrypt the command and

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