Becoming a Botconf sponsor

Support the community in 3 easy steps!

Sponsors are essential to the success of our conferences. Beyond supporting the community, sponsors have an opportunity to meet new talents and discuss their services or products with malware and botnet experts from all around the world.

Take a peak at past conferences


Discuss our sponsoring options

We offer various options to sponsors depending on their budget. Of course it impacts their visibility during the event.

For the success of Botconf, all partnership levels are valuable to us from Bronze (small companies, startups) to Diamond sponsors!

Prepare your communication package

We will need the following information from our sponsors:

  • Logos in Web and print high definition formats
  • Short texts for our website
  • Some sponsorship levels allow the distribution of goodies at the conference

Attend the conference

All sponsoring levels include a number of full conference and workshop tickets (or options). Identify your experts in advance and you will be able to reserve their tickets on our platform.

Need more information ? Contact our sponsors team!

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