Éric Freyssinet
Last known affiliation: Gendarmerie nationale, Loria
Bio: Éric is today the Chief scientific advisor, with the gendarmerie nationale’s director general. He joined law enforcement in 1995 and very quickly embraced a career in the fight against cybercrime in national and international capacities. Éric’s occupied technical and managerial positions in digital forensics, cybercrime investigations, strategy and interministerial relationships. Éric holds a PhD in computer science. He is also involved in the organisation of other conferences such as Botconf – on the fight against botnets and CoRIIN on incident response and digital investigations.
Date: 2022-04-29

Date: 2024-04-25

Date: 2025-05-21

Date: 2025-05-22
Lightning talks (lt -at- botconf.eu)
Éric Freyssinet 🗣
Éric Freyssinet 🗣
Abstract (click to view)
Propose your talks by writing to lt(at)botconf.eu