Ege Balci
Last known affiliation: PRODAFT
Bio: Ege BALCI is the threat intelligence team lead in a Switzerland-based cyber security company PRODAFT. Throughout his cyber threat intelligence carrier Ege has been a part of multiple cyber-crime investigations and managed multiple take-down operations against popular malware/APT groups. Prior to working in the threat intelligence field, Ege has worked as a red team penetration tester, during his carrier he discovered and reported multiple security vulnerabilities to large vendors, and actively contributed to multiple open-source offensive security projects such as Metasploit. His main focus areas besides threat intelligence include vulnerability research, exploit development, and malware analysis. His primary role inside PRODAFT involves management of the Threat Intelligence (PTI) Team, managing vulnerability R&D projects, and detection and analysis of new malware threats. Ege is also actively speaking at security conferences for several years. In his spare time, he blogs about his work on
Date: 2022-04-27

Date: 2019-12-05