Peter Matula
Last known affiliation: Gen™
Date: 2017-12-06
RetDec: An Open-Source Machine-Code Decompiler
Jakub Křoustek | Peter Matula | Petr Zemek
External link: Project website
Jakub Křoustek | Peter Matula | Petr Zemek
Abstract (click to view)
Machine-code decompilation transforms an executable file into a high-level language. It has found its applications mostly in the field of reverse engineering, where analysts use decompilers to inspect suspicious binaries.
This paper introduces RetDec, a recently open-sourced retargetable decompiler for platform-independent analysis of binary files. More specifically, we give an overview of the RetDec project’s history, its current state, comparison with other decompilers,
and an example of a successful application.