Romain Guittienne
Last known affiliation: LORIA
Bio: Romain Guittienne is a research engineer working at LORIA in France, in the field of cybersecurity and malware analysis
GoaTracer: An Open Service for Advanced PE Tracing
Pierre Marty 🗣 | Romain Guittienne 🗣 | Quentin Jacqmin | Jean-Yves Marion | Fabrice Sabatier
Pierre Marty 🗣 | Romain Guittienne 🗣 | Quentin Jacqmin | Jean-Yves Marion | Fabrice Sabatier
Abstract (click to view)
We introduce GoaTracer, a hybrid dynamic binary analysis platform combining instrumentation and introspection to efficiently reconstruct Control Flow Graphs and Call Graphs of Windows Portable Executable files. GoaTracer minimizes execution slowdowns, tracks obfuscated and self-modifying code, and bypasses anti-analysis measures, offering a comprehensive view of malware behavior.